Persistent Identifier Service
In all aspects of research, the amount of digitally stored data is increasing continuously. Thereby the management will be more and more complex, so that the sustainable reference to data and thus their permanent censibility represent a challenge. By a persistent identifier taking a mediator role, references, for example in scientific publications, can remain stable, even if the location of the data changes.
With our persistent identifier services you have the possibility to generate PIDs for your research results (data, texts, images, etc.) or to receive institutional prefixes that make all generated PIDs recognisable as belonging to your institution. You can create and maintain PIDs via GUI or REST interface. We operate a local resolver to resolve the PID and, as a partner of the ePIC consortium, give access to at least two mirror resolvers within Europe to guarantee the resolvability of the PID with high availability. If your PID holds the metadata required by DataCite, a DOI can be derived from it. We offer quick and easy access to the creation of individual PIDs in our self-service area. There you have the possibility to create and edit PIDs via the browser and to output a list of your PIDs. If you need a larger number of PIDs or would like to integrate the generation into your application, you can contact us.
This resource is supported by Text+. In case of questions you may get in touch with the Text+ helpdesk at
The SSH Open Marketplace is maintained and will be further developed by three European Research Infrastructures - DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA - and their national partners. It was developed as part of the "Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud" SSHOC project, European Union's Horizon 2020 project call H2020-INFRAEOSC-04-2018, grant agreement #823782.