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FAIR Check

Findable, accessible, interoperable and reusable (FAIR) - that's how research data should be. Sounds good, but is not so easy? Take our online FAIR check and evaluate your research data. Our questionnaire will help you assess which criteria you meet. In case you need concrete advice, please contact the NFDI4Culture helpdesk with the results of your FAIR check.

This NFDI4Culture service is recommended by Text+.


European Union flag

The SSH Open Marketplace is maintained and will be further developed by three European Research Infrastructures - DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA - and their national partners. It was developed as part of the "Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud" SSHOC project, European Union's Horizon 2020 project call H2020-INFRAEOSC-04-2018, grant agreement #823782.