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BAS Web Services Documentation

The BAS WebServices comprise a collection of speech processing tools that are server-based, i.e. you just need a standard web browser (we recommend Chrome), and there is no need to install any software on your local PC. The services have been mainly designed for linguists, phoneticians and speech engineering, but in recent years we found that many more disciplines make use of our services, such as computer science, phychology, computational linguistics, sociology, oral history, music and computer aided language learning (CALL).

Here are some examples of what you can do with the BAS WebServices (ServiceName in brackets):

segment a speech signal into sentences, words, syllables and phones, given the speech signal and an orthographic transcript (WebMAUS Basic, Pipeline without ASR, EMUMagic) segment a speech signal into phones, given only the speech signal (WebMINNI) do a fully automatic formant analysis of selected vowels based on a collection of recordings and transcripts (FormantAnalysis) convert orthographic text into a sequence of phonemes (G2P) do a full automatic transcription/annotation/segmentation of a speech recording without input transcript (ASR, Pipeline with ASR) create an EMU-SDMS database from scratch including word, syllable and phone segmentation (EMUMagic) automatically segment a recording into speech and non-speech (Voice activity detection) automatically segment and label a recording into speaker turns (SpeakDiar) create a video subtitle track (Subtitle, Pipeline with ASR) anonymize a speech recording and the corresponding annotation data (Anonymizer) perform signal processing operations on recordings: filter, normalize, change pitch, change speech rate etc. (AudioEnhance) syllabify phonemic/phonetic transcriptions (Pho2Syl) The BAS WebServices are provided by the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and are available 24/7 with the exception of Saturdays when we schedule maintenance cycles (approximately once a month, 10-15 UT); the services are free for academics affiliated with universities, including their students; check out our Terms of Usage for academic users; private users or affiliates with commercial enterprises can also use the services for testing, but if you intend to use the BAS Services for a commercial endeavour we kindly ask you to obtain a commercial user license.


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