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Create a dictionary in TEI

This scenario sets out the best practices for creating a born-digital dictionary, especially with the TEI (Text Encoding Initiative). However, buiding a standardized lexicographical dataset is not only a data format problem, it is also an intellectual and technical process where one has to choose how to model their data, and with which tools operate in order to create an easy-to-use and sustainable resource.


Workflow steps(5)

  1. 1 Build the model of the dictionary

  2. 2 Create a corpus of useful resources for the dictionary.

  3. 3 Setting up the editing environment

  4. 4 Setting up the publishing environment

  5. 5 Provide for long-term availability

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The SSH Open Marketplace is maintained and will be further developed by three European Research Infrastructures - DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA - and their national partners. It was developed as part of the "Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud" SSHOC project, European Union's Horizon 2020 project call H2020-INFRAEOSC-04-2018, grant agreement #823782.