Production and processing of 3D objects
The project aim is to digitize objects at different scale from an artefact to cultural heritage site to help scientific community to visualize, analyze, simulate and synthesize the result of their research. It allows for better comprehension of the case studies. The 3D object is also a powerfull mean to bring out new hypotheses of research. In some cases, producing an "accurate" virtual version of cultural heritage site is a mean of preserving it. Those best practices and methods are detailed in the 3D-SHS consortium white paperpublished in 2017, and in the Parthenos White Paper "Digital 3D Objects in Art and Humanities: challenges of creation, interoperability and preservation"
Workflow steps(4)
2 Acquisition of a 3D object (by photogrammetry)
3 Migration to target format
4 Visualisation
The SSH Open Marketplace is maintained and will be further developed by three European Research Infrastructures - DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA - and their national partners. It was developed as part of the "Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud" SSHOC project, European Union's Horizon 2020 project call H2020-INFRAEOSC-04-2018, grant agreement #823782.