DARIAH-DE Publikator
For whom? Researchers who want to deposit their research data safe, persistent, and referencable in a research data repository.
The DARIAH-DE Publikator offers the possibility to prepare, manage and import research data for the import into the DARIAH-DE Repository. The DARIAH-DE Repository allows for storing your research data in a sustainable and secure way, providing it with metadata and eventually publishing it. Your research data, called "collections" in the following, as well as each individual file are long-term available in the DARIAH-DE repository and get a unique and permanently valid persistent identifier (DOI). Your data can be referenced permanently and will be quotable with this identifier. In addition, you can register your collections with the Collection Registry, which are then also found in the Generic Search.
The DARIAH-DE Publikator is the access point for importing collections which offers the possibility to prepare and manage your collections for an import into the DARIAH-DE Repository, and finally import them into the repository. Your research data …
is safely stored in the repository,
gets a Persistent Identifier (DOI),
is permanently referenceable and quotable,
is publicly accessible,
can be described in the Collection Registry as a collection, and
is finally searchable in the generic search.
This means that your research data is included in the research data lifecycle and thus available for subsequent use.
Documentation For more information on usage of the Publikator and the DARIAH-DE Repository, please refer to the public DARIAH-DE Wiki. The technical documentation and API descriptions for each repository service can be found on the documentation page of the Repository server on https://repository.de.dariah.eu/doc/services/.
Are there still unresolved issues or would you like further information? You can reach us at info@de.dariah.eu.
This resource is supported by Text+. In case of questions you may get in touch with the Text+ helpdesk at textplus-support@gwdg.de.

The SSH Open Marketplace is maintained and will be further developed by three European Research Infrastructures - DARIAH, CLARIN and CESSDA - and their national partners. It was developed as part of the "Social Sciences and Humanities Open Cloud" SSHOC project, European Union's Horizon 2020 project call H2020-INFRAEOSC-04-2018, grant agreement #823782.